I’ve organised a talk for the Isle of Man Chapter of the BCS this week that will focus on search engine optimisation. We’re having dotPerformance come to speak to us a bit about the SEO in general and about the work they do for their clients. We took a different approach to this one by going out and asking our members what sort of questions they would like to see answered. Here are some questions we got back:
- How much does page content need to relate to the metadata and page title?
- Does website content need to change frequently to ensure good SEO?
- Link strategy – what’s the best way forward and what works best?
- Does it help if the website has an RSS feed?
- Any tips for successful SEO?
- Flash and Shockwave files: is there a place for them in SEO? Can they be optimised successfully?
- What are the best strategies when dealing with highly competitive keywords, eg prescription, mortgage. What about awkward ones like: alli weight loss, live video casting solutions or prescription swimming goggles.
- What would you change about the way google indexes stuff? and Why?
If you’re interested in having some of these questions answered (and live in the Isle of Man), come and join us at Ballakermeen High School on Wednesday 29th October 2008. Doors open at 18:00. More information on the BCS website. (it’s free)
P.S. Thanks to Sherrilynne for spreading the word

BCS (Isle of Man) Talk: Search Engine Optimisation: I’ve organised a talk for the Isle of Man Chapte.. http://tinyurl.com/585yce