Maximising personal productivity

chairFinally it’s Friday and I get some time to play with my own projects. I’m sitting at work at the moment and wondering how come I manage to achieve much more while sitting at my desk, then I do at home. I suspect it’s due to the fact that I’m in an environment more conducive to working than sitting on the sofa at home, TV playing in the background, with a laptop on my lap. And I think one of the major factors that comes into play here is the chair I’m actually sitting on.

You see, I actually have a study at home which has decent office chairs, both for myself and my wife; but as it’s in the attic, we don’t tend to spend much time there. However, I have noticed that I work better there than when sitting on the sofa. So there is something to be said about office ergonomics and how having the proper equipment around you can improve your personal productivity.

While writing this post, I get a look through ChairOffice, an ecommerce site that is predominantly focused on, you guessed it, office furniture. A leather executive chair (pictured above) costs less than £40, so it’s a worthwhile purchase if you’re looking to improve what you’re doing. Who knows, I might just upgrade the ones in our study ..

One comment

  1. Yes, this rings bells (not all of them good!) as I have on no fewer than five occassions set up a new enterprise working from home.
    With the office chair/sofa question I think it is a quite complex question; the seating posture has subliminal connotations with work or play; the hard/soft (Company plug here??) seating helps or hinders staying awake, and ofcourse no distractions like wife/TV/Radio should be allowed.
    Atmosphere is also important; not too hot with fresh air (not usual in a home environment) keeps the mind alert.
    However, if you are the sort of person who will become a Mogul nothing will distract you from your objectives.
    It is said that people can be divided into three types..
    1-those who do not learn from their mistakes
    2-those who DO learn from their mistakes
    3-those who learn from the mistakes of others.

    So, before you start on your own, read a few biographies of sucessful people and see how they started..

    John Prince

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