What’s in a name?

It always makes me smile when someone picks a great domain name for the website. And to me, there are two forms of “Great”. My mate Leo for example, registered a domain called http://whooah.biz/. It’s the sort of name that sticks in your mind and I’m sure will get him lots of traction. The other type of domain names that I appreciate are ones that work well for search engines and for front-of-mind-presence. Names like http://www.greatpricedfurniture.com/ for example are bound to drag furniture-seeking traffic kicking and screaming to their website.

Speaking of GreatPricedFurniture, the name works well, for a number of reasons. First of all, search terms in your URL are extremely powerful. The other factor is the thematic match between the name and the actual website. The website does sell furniture of all kinds and shapes, it lets you browse living room furniture, buy bedroom furniture and any sort of furniture-buying activity you may be after, and they seem to have furniture that matches any style, colour and finish you may fancy. You might even be tempted to buy this for your bedroom:

Anyway, back to the matter at hand, your domain name is one of the most important factors when building a new website. Stick with something memorable, short and relevant if you can. The rewards will be worth the extra time you take thinking about it and studying the options.


  1. Ah, his other domain is also very good. And that was thought of by my lovely wife. Just shows that people outside of IT have the best IT ideas – sometimes.

  2. @Nathan: That’s the great thing about good ideas. Anyone can get one! I suppose it’s a combination of past experiences, perception, exposure to different elements and just random sparkings of the right neurons at the right time.

    AI has a long way to go .. 😉

  3. Wow, I love that console! the only problem I might have is actually fitting it into the bedroom, not to mention getting it up the stairs! Oh well, I’ll just have to buy a new house to fit round it I guess, just hope the lottery comes up trumps this week 🙂

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