Happy Birthday DesignQuote.net

Wow, I’ve just found out that DesignQuote.net has just celebrated it’s 1st birthday, and has been used to post over $3.5 million worth of jobs for their clients. If you haven’t come across them before, they provide a marketplace for web design jobs allowing companies to advertise their web work and companies, contractors and individuals to bid for the work. The revenue model of the website is not based around a commission on the work performed, but instead on charging bidders for information about the leads they are bidding on. It’s an interesting model and one I hope will take DesignQuote.net to a resounding success.

There’s some interesting projects on there, so if you do any web design work, whether it’s graphic design or actual coding; you might want to pop in and see if there’s anything that you could do. If you’re after a coder, pop on too, you might find a match made in heaven there.

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