Switching my feedreader

Till now I had been an avid supporter of SharpReader as my tool of choice for reading feeds. It’s been a great tool for quite some time, has a couple of flaws, but I was happy to live with them for the functionality it gave me. Today things have changed however, as Google Reader adds some more functionality. Google Reader now has a search facility you can use to search through blogs and posts built into it.

This is something I’ve really needed. I hate it when I remember that someone posted something a few days earlier, but I can’t remember who and just can’t find it. With over 300 blogs in my reader list it’s nigh impossible to trawl through them all and find the post I’m after.

It seems like they have good response from the industry for this new feature, though some blogs ask for further features. One thing I’m sure about though, is that Google will continue innovating this product and we’ll see better things added on in the future.

Off to migrate my OPML and move it into the Cloud …

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