Interesting article by Nick Usborne entitled Two Approaches to Writing Webpages. In it he talks about two distinct methods of web page creation. The first method is similar to writing a letter or a brochure. It’s the linear placing of ideas on a page till the final objective is reached. The second method he describes as being similar to flower arranging. It’s the concept of dropping ideas on a page and tweaking/arranging them till they fit well. Less scientific, and more artistic.
I can relate to the post because I’ve recently thought of my coding efforts/website design as being akin to sculpting. You first make a rough similitude to what you’re after, then chip away at it until you reach the final product.
What about you? Are you linear or haphazard? Scientific or Artistic?
I think my writing style is linear. I have an idea and write in an order about the idea. Somethimes I go back and tweak it. This is an interesting comparison, Owen.