I cam across an excellent post this morning entitled: A comprehensive guide to starting your freelance career. It’s very well written and contains a wealth of information that one would normally have to learn the hard way. These are the subjects covered:
- What is freelancing? Looking back on how the term came about and what it means today
- Branding Yourself. Presenting the right image. Considerations when choosing a name, logo and website
- Where do you find work? A quick round-up of some places and message boards to look for work
- Quoting and Estimating. What is the process for winning the work? What you need to keep in mind while quoting and estimating
- Rebilling other services. When and how. Interesting point about the pitfalls of doing this.
- How much is right?? A hairy topic for new freelancers. How much should I charge? What is a fair price.
- Invoicing. What your invoice needs to look like and things to watch out for
- Getting Paid. Chasing payments is one of the hard parts of freelancing. Here’s what to expect
- Recognising Trouble Clients. Read this section twice .. then read it again. There are some gems in here
- Scoping, Delivery and Timescales. These are critical to a successful delivery
- Service, Accessibility and Saving the Day. Key factors that help you win repeat work
- Expansion and Becoming a Full-Fledged Business. What are the next steps? How do you grow this into a great company
If this a road you’re planning on heading down, read the post carefully. It’s applicable to anyone who wants to grow their own business and be their own boss.