Review My Post

You might have noticed the “Review My Post” button right at the top of my sidebar. So, what’s that all about you may ask?

Well, PayPerPost have started a new campaign to help bloggers build traffic and earn more revenue form their blogs. The way it works it that a blogger can attach the button to their post or their site, and let other people review their posts/blogs. In order to do this, the target must sign up to PayPerPost and will see a custom opportunity just for them to post a review about your blog.

There is an incentive for people to do this. The blogger who shows the button gets renumerated for this post, and the person who does the review gets paid for this also (in the same way as he would get paid for any post he does for PayPerPost). Besides this, the blogger also gets a review about his site/post (and corresponding links) from the person writing the review; so there’s traffic to share all around.

It’s an interesting concept built around mutual advantage that can be attained by both sides. PayPerPost asks as a broken in this case, but is happy to do this (and fund the payouts) as it’s increasing it’s captive user base. Interesting to note that the sum total of amounts paid to blogger and target is identical to the sum paid for a referral link; indicating that PayPerPost has a fixed “cost of aquisition” for each new blogger in their network.

Oh, and by the way; if you’re not sure how to add the “Review My Post” option to your blog, I’ve written a plugin that lets you do just that on a WordPress blog. Click on the “WordPress Plugins” link above and check out the PPP_ReviewMyPost plugin. It should do it all for you.

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