One of my favourite blogs is Tom Reynolds’ Random Act’s of Reality. He’s an Emergency Medical Technician working in London and a pretty prolific blogger. His blog is mainly about his work and recently his writings have been turned into a book: Blood, Sweat and Tea.
Anyway, today I came across his latest blog post in which he goes into some detail about the current state of the NHS, the constraints that are being placed on front-line staff and the expectations the general public have with respect to the service they demand. He talks about some of the recent incidents that have made the press and explains the real-life (and death) pressures that are a given in the career he’s chosen.
Even if you’re not really interested in the political ramifications of what he’s talking about, his post makes excellent reading. It’s well-thought out, passionate and provocative; the stuff that makes all good writing (not only blog posts) enrich the reader.
Excellent buzz for a great blogger with a topical and important message. I love that he doesn’t just harp about the problem. He goes on to recommend a creative solution. Well done!