Picked this
up from TechCrunch tonight. Looks like PayPerPost (the
place where you get paid to blog)is going
to adopt a Full Disclosure policy where bloggers will need to have either a site-wide
or per-post disclosure of any posts they are being paid for. Won’t be an issue for
me, as I’ve popped my disclosure policy on the left-hand side of this page. Truth
is, everything I post on this blog is something that interests me, and I wouldn’t
like to not post something just because it’s related to my employer, or because of
some financial interest. My disclosure policy goes into this and also remarks on the
fact that some links on the page (like the AdSense ads etc), could give rise to some
benefit to me if you click on them.
Take this post for example, just because PayPerPost may be sponsoring me to post it
up doesn’t effect the integrity of my blog, as it’s in line with what the blog is
all about. What do you think?