Cool Christmast Present

I might get one of these for Arthur this Christmas. Illustratemyname specialise in creating unique personalised gifts based around the name of the person you’re getting the gift for. They have a whole selection of different styles. They’re perfect for birthday, christenings and guess what, I’ll be trying to get one for Arthur for Christmas. They can be made with a number of different themes, whether it’s beaches or boats or dolls or whatever. It’s a great Personalised baby Gift or even something different for someone special.

The site owners are running a promotion to get some buzz around their site. Illustrate My Name is giving away 100 free personalised name art pictures to the first people that blog about the site. All you need to do is to blog about the site and send the link with the blog back to chris(@) Make sure you include your address and the child’s name and theme that they require. Anyone taking it up?

P.S. And that’s one Xmas present sorted

UPDATE: Well, I know one person who has taken it up; the art hasn’t arrived yet, but she’s as pleased as punch to be able to get something for her kid. Will keep you posted.

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