Yesterday was quite an eventful day, which was unexpected as Sundays are usually quite
quiet at Casa Cutajar. The first big thing was that we have stopped taking orders
from The Joke Shop. We’ve been running
the site for a number of years now; and it had grown from a germ of an idea to a full-fledged
multi-channel retail project with an outlet in Staines and sales online through it’s
website and eBay. But since we’ve had Hope
on the way and the pending move to the Isle
of Man, we needed to focus on our home-life once again and closing down The
Joke Shop was part of that. We’re hoping to sell the website and corresponding
stock if we can; so if you know anyone who fancies running an online business, just give
me a shout.
Yesterday I also had an amazing experience. Camille’s been telling me that she’s been
feeling the baby move for quite a few weeks now, but as the baby’s getting older,
it’s movements have been more and more pronounced. Yesterday I actually felt the baby
kick which is astonishing as Camille is still in her 2nd trimester. It was only one
of the many movements and kicks she felt while we were feeling for the baby, but it
was very significant to me. After all the difficulty in getting pregnant, the pregnancy
has been great so far, let’s hope it stays that way!